Rain water harvesting project – Ginnoruwa Social Forum

Rain water harvesting project – Ginnoruwa Social Forum

Mahaweli Development Project (MDP) is the largest multi-purpose development project implemented in Sri Lanka. Although it had good intentions such as increasing the paddy yield, hydro power generation and increasing the livable land areas to cope with increasing population, the way it implemented had grave consequences which are evident even today. The master plan which was designed for 30 years, was accelerated for political scoring and implemented in the 1980s within a 5-year period as “Accelerated Mahaweli Development Project”.

During the colonization process, almost zero attention had paid on people’s drinking water needs and it was one of the many serious misconducts caused by this political impatience. Consequently, today, three generations of Mahaweli settlers in many MDP areas are facing an existential crisis including Chronic Kidney Disease of uncertain etiology (CKDu) epidemic. Ginnoruwa in Giradhurukotte is one of those communities who are severely affected by CKDu and drinking water shortages.

As the Ginnoruwa Social Forum (GSF), one of our main goals is finding a sustainable solution for this drinking water issue, and facilitating rainwater harvesting is a major steps towards that goal. With the financial support of Soup Kitchen Sri Lanka (https://www.facebook.com/soupkitchensrilanka/), a charity organization operated by a group of progressive Muslim women, we have already started its first stage. Due to Covid-19, as almost all the other works, our rainwater tank project also had to stop temporally, but over the last week it has started functioning slowly. Thus, we have already completed installing the set up in three houses and two more will be finished soon.

While focusing on material development of these communities, as the GSF, our main goal is to create a conducive social environment for dialogue and critical thinking. So, they would be able to critically comprehend problems with the current dominant development model which has excluded them and contemplate alternative development models in their favor.

  • Rainwater harvesting tanks – 18 th July 2020

As a part of the ongoing rainwater harvesting project, conducted by Ginnoruwa Social Forum (GSF) with the financial support of Soup Kitchen Sri Lanka a Muslim-women charity group, 6 more rainwater harvesting tanks (5000L capacity) were distributed in Ginnoruwa recently. On behalf of Ginnoruwa community, we are grateful for them!

As Priyanthi and Chamila from Ginnoruwa, two dedicated women among others who are handling the work in the village, shared with me, now many villagers are expecting these rainwater harvesting tanks. As a very small group, can we do that along? Not at all. A single setup of this type is worth more than 80,000 rupees and there are more than 300 families in need. Therefore, the long-term objective of GSF is to build a strong community who can fight for their rights, raise their voice against social injustice and question political leaders who do not abide with their assigned responsibilities.

If villagers are really worried about their dire social conditions, then this is a perfect time to come forward. Question the politicians who beg for your votes during this election time, ask them what they have done in the past once they have got the power to address the issues you are facing. If they haven’t acted as they promised, particularly those who had governmental powers, then in the upcoming election make sure not to vote for them again.

That’s what the people’s power! As GSF, our mission is to work with villagers to make them empowered and capable of practicing that power!

(Photo credit: Chamila Chandani – Ginnoruwa)

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No 80, 11 Kanuwa, Ginnoruwa, Hebarawa


GSF is a community collective, founded in November 2018 by Dr. Upul Wickramasinghe during his doctoral fieldwork, with the support of villagers and several external supporters.

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